Poemsbn’s Blog

Friday Journal
janvier 21, 2009, 2:19
Filed under: journal actualités | Étiquettes: ,

The Next President: A World of Challenges will take place as the general election campaign swings into high gear, and the presidential candidates and the world focus on complex global issues ranging from violent extremism, the global economy, and climate change.

We’ll visit Seoul to explore the impact of the games on South Korea’s transition to democracy, and Sochi as it prepares to host what the Kremlin hopes will be a coming out party for Russia in the winter of 2014.

She considers the size of the US’s carbon footprint in relation to urban sprawl and the work of the « New Urbanists » to create greener places for Americans to live in.

It is the story of how the complexity of the modern healthcare environment, the aging population and new attitudes towards practicing medicine among doctors, have transformed the pivotal role of the doctor at the center of a patient’s medical journey.

Source: http://www.nhpr.org/node/16348